Synopsis: A string of violent attacks at the hands of a mysterious Pokémon has caught Lance and the G-Men off-guard.After finding out that Ash has a son living with Delia and Giovanni, his father, Team Galactic attacks, splitting up the team. A team from the International Police is dispatched to study the incident, but Ash's friends are surprised to learn that the Interpol team knew Ash, and claim that he was killed in a mine explosion despite heavy hints that he is the mysterious Agent Limit. Five years following this, Team Galactic and Team Plasma kidnap Professor Oak and blow up his lab.
And one unlike any other, a man of thunder and steel. Five years later, with Team Galactic and new Plasma joining forces to forge a terrible new world, a team of agents from the International Police rises to combat this new threat: five men strong they are, each one a powerful and deadly warrior.